Rainy Mountains with Small Waterfalls

What to Pack for the Milford Track, NZ’s Ultimate Great Walk

The Milford Track is New Zealand’s most famous walk and widely known as one of the most beautiful. That’s saying something for a country known for its stunning natural landscapes! As the area is so rainy, knowing what to pack for the Milford Track is essential to ensure you have a good time. Here’s what I packed (or didn’t pack and wished I had) for one of the best hikes in the world.

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Hiking clothes to pack for the Milford Track

Consideration numero uno should be the rain when deciding what to pack for the Milford Track. We were fortunate on our trip and it only drizzled a bit on the first day. Then we got to enjoy the sun for the rest of it, even though four days of rain were in the forecast before we left! I can’t promise you’ll be so lucky, because Milford Sound/Piopiotahi is one of the rainiest places on earth. 

Hiking clothes set out to pack for the milford track

The key is to have enough stuff that if some of it gets rained on, you don’t have to put on cold wet clothing the next morning. But also to avoid overpacking so you can keep your bag light!

Here's what to pack for the Milford Track:

You can never have too many.

A sign that reads "Swimming Whole" with the W crossed out

You know I love a good spelling error : )

Man standing at the bottom of a waterfall

Can you spot Chesney?

Hut essentials to pack for the Milford Track

This is your time to eat, rest up, and get cozy. 

We also brought playing cards because we had lots of free time in the evening after getting to the huts. Instead of regular playing cards, we’ve gotten into Sushi Go and The Mind!

back pack for the milford track
Packing at 6am
Sushi Go Card Game and Notebook to keep busy at the Milford Track huts
Sushi Go to keep us busy
Hut visible from rainforest
Mintaro Hut

Trail & hut food to pack for the Milford Track

Everything you pack in, you need to pack out, including little food scraps like coffee grounds and apple cores. There are no garbage bins anywhere along the track, so you want to be strategic with your food choices to avoid any unnecessary weight/trash in your pack.

  • Tea & coffee
  • Powdered milk
  • Oats
  • Granola bars
  • Trail mix
  • Dried mango
  • Chocolate
  • Powdered protein shakes/smoothies
  • Biltong/jerky
  • Bier sticks
  • Durable fruits & veg
  • Dehydrated packs of camp food – easiest to cook, carry, and pack down when you’re done

Our friends are incredible and made sushi on our last night. Complete with edamame and miso soup. We had a cooking contest… they obviously won. 

Things to do before/after the Milford Track

Especially if you’re coming from overseas, or you haven’t yet been to the South Island, there are a ton of other things you should do in the Milford Sound/Piopiotahi area!

A cruise through the sounds is basically a must. We did the only one that includes a stop at a “floating” underwater observatory where you can see the unique marine life up close. Highly highly recommend.

The same company (Southern Discoveries) also offers a kayaking trip which would be unreal if you’re lucky with the weather! 

To treat yourself to a little luxury after several long days of tough hiking, you can stay at the Milford Lodge. Every room is looking out at the mountains, the river, the stars, or something else beautiful. It has a luxury price tag, but I think it’s worth splurging for if you can afford it! They also have some camper van parking. I recommend eating at Pio Pio even if you don’t stay at the lodge overnight. 

Epic Milford Sound Activities

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