Crayfish on a coal fire

Die Strandloper: The Surprisingly Affordable Seafood Feast

Ok I just had one of the best restaurant experiences of my life and it would be rude of me not to share. If you ever find yourself in South Africa and you like seafood, prepare to have your mind blown. Die Strandloper is north of Cape Town and worth going a little out of your way for.

My experience eating at Die Strandloper

So we got the insider scoop because we’re staying with Chesney’s family who live in Cape Town. They raaaaaved about Die Strandloper and said it was seafood-focused, but other than that, I had no idea what to expect. 

We arrived at this shipwreck-chic outdoor seating area with simple, low-to-the-ground wooden tables and benches. I’d foolishly worn wedges, not realizing we’d be sitting on the actual beach! Everyone around us was barefoot, so I followed suit. 

Die Strandloper pirate Decor
Strandloper coastal seating

The team cooked everything in the open air on fire pits, smokers, potjiekos (picture an iron cauldron), and a stone bread oven. The first of our 10 courses was freshly-baked bread and mussels in a butter sauce. Course two was a whole grilled fish, which a woman deboned for each of our plates in about 2 seconds. I don’t want to ruin everything for you, but other dishes included fish curry, stew, more grilled fish, smoked fish, and koeksisters (kinda like sugary-glazed donuts) for dessert.

A charismatic man with a guitar came to our table to ask if we were celebrating anything. We were. The meal was a little post-non-wedding-engagement-party for me and Chesney. (It’s complicated, but not in a bad way.) Instead of trying to explain all that to the guitarist, we just said engagement party. He later came around to serenade our table with songs like All My Loving, before moving on to our neighbours, who were celebrating a birthday. There were a lot of special occasions lol.

Pot of mussels with butter sauce
Man with Guitar at Die Strandloper

They gave us a much-needed break about halfway through the meal, and we took the opportunity to walk along the boulder-clad beach. Each course came buffet style. Once it was ready, they’d go around to every table andmake a little announcement. Then we’d all go up with our plates and they’d dish out heaping portions.

Man walking on a rocky beach
Kids playing on a beach

Everything was efficient and extremely casual, in keeping with the laid back beach vibes. we had paper plates for each course and used a mussel shell as cutlery! There were a few soft drinks for sale on site, but other than that, it was BYO and they provided us with little glasses.

By the last main course, just before dessert, we were completely stuffed. But I couldn’t say no to the grilled crayfish I’d seen the chefs slathering in butter while they cooked over the coal fire. Everyone was laughing, singing, and dancing in the sand until the crayfish were ready. We somehow found space in our stomachs for one last indulgence. And then space for dessert, of course, but that’s a whole different stomach so it’s fine.

Crayfish on an open fire

I’ve eaten at NOMA, been to a few Michelin Star restaurants, tried some incredible tasting menus around the world, and worked at a celebrity chef restaurant in Toronto. So I feel like I’m marginally qualified to make this comment: I think this is one of the best meals I’ve ever had. 

But it’s not all about the food. It’s the vibes, the environment, the opportunity to laugh and share in the experience with everyone else, and to watch your food go from grill to table.

Where is Die Strandloper?

Die strandloper is in Langebaan, just 1.5 hours north of Cape Town! I’ve also highlighted the West Coast National Park here, because it’s super close and a great stop to make before or after lunch. You’ll be ready to go into a food coma after your meal though. So I highly suggest getting up early and exploring the park before lunch time.

If you visit in August or September, the flowers throughout the park will be in full bloom and it’s a major attraction.

Cape Town to Die Strandloper Google Maps

When is it open?

Lunch: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Dinner: Saturday nights only.

It books up incredibly fast, so make sure you plan ahead! We had to book a month in advance, but it was welll worth the wait. You can see what’s available on their website.

What does Die Strandloper mean?

So first of all it’s important to make sure you’re not reading it as “die” like dead. It’s pronounced “dee” in Afrikaans, and means “the.” Then “strandloper” refers to a Khoikhoi (or bushmen) tribe that lived in the area thousands of years ago. They set up along the coast and survived mostly on seafood! So the restaurant’s name is basically, “The Bushmen,” in English.

Lots of people mix the two and call it The Strandloper.

Die Strandloper Entrance Sign
Sign that reads "Not liable for anything"

How much does it cost?

You will literally not believe me. What would you expect to pay for a 3.5 hour seafood buffet? $80? $100? 

This was 370 rand per person.
Yeah. $20 USD, $27 CAD, $33 NZD, 19 EUR, 16 GBP, however you want to convert it.
Crazy right?! Important note: They only take cash, and bookings are essential.

On top of that, you get to bring your own drinks. So you could bring a cheap bottle of Chenin Blanc or Riesling to pair with the seafood and keep costs down. (Just make sure you have a DD!)

Even if you’re travelling on a tight budget, you can totally factor this in to your trip.

My post about it on TikTok went semi-viral, and I also shared it on Instagram if you want a better visual idea of the whole vibe.

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